We have a new phone number
Hi All
We have had a very busy time lately and it is great to see so many new faces at Rosemount. We have one new class starting this term details below.We have some spaces on out Kids Art for Primary 3 - 5 on a Wednesday from 17:30 - 19:00 and for the later class P6 - S2 19:00 - 20:30. The Kids Fitness on a Tuesday 16:00 - 17:30 is proving popular but we have spaces there too.More for young people in Rosemount is being provided at the Centre by RAYS (Rosemount Aberdeen Youth Service) an exciting venture for the area. See the poster below and contact them directly for more information. They are taggeting 10+ age group. I hope to see you soon.
New Class - Dance Fitness: - This class is for those wanting to keeping fit and have fun while doing it! By following along using simple dance steps (all of the moves will be explained). The choreographies will target different muscle groups through fun dancing steps, working at different speeds, and rhythms.Increasing all those important things that we take for granted: - balance, coordination, posture, endurance, all while being able to laugh at ourselves! We are never too young or too old to laugh and stay fit! Monday evening from 18:00 - 19:00
1 Welcome to the meeting
2 Present and apologies
3 Approval and acceptance of previous AGM minutes (02/10/23)
4 Matters arising
5 Chairperson’s Report6RCCA Accounts
7 Election of Management Committee members
8 Any Other Competent Business
9 Date of next meeting
October 2024
New Class for adults! Come and give it a go!
Midterm catchup
We are halfway through, our summer term and I just wanted to let you know how we are doing. We have some space still in or new Kids Fitness class at 4pm on Tuesday and the Contemporary Dance on Monday at 7.30pm. Email me for more information. Also Beginners Sewing.
Speaking of sewing we hope to run an afternoon class on a Thursday during the school summer holidays, this will be open to all. So again, email me if you might be interested.
I am looking for volunteers to come and help with the garden at the centre, I don’t have a time or date for getting started, but it is looking rather sad, so please let me know if you would like to help out.
If you or someone you know would be interested we have group in the Centre for Mums to be and their supporters please see the poster below for details.
A date for your diary
Saturday 17th August from 10am - 2pm we will be having an openday to showcase what goes on in the Learning Centre and in the area.
Why not come and give it a go? £10.50/session. Block booking discount available
As well as a full programme of classes, Rosemount Community Centre Association are offering a series of free monthly information sessions, on topics which are of current interest.
These will be held in Rosemount Community Centre on the last Thursday of the month: kicking off with Grampian Credit Union on the topic of money management.
Since 1993, Grampian Credit Union has been providing ethical financial services through a cooperative model, allowing members to save and borrow securely and fairly.
autumn 2022 programme launched
We are so excited to be kicking off the "Back to School" term with a full programme of activities for adults and children alike!
There's fitness classes including Swedish Exercise, Zumba, and Pilates, creative classes such as Art and Sewing, chances to brush up on your Spanish or take part in a book group, and classes focusing on mental wellbeing such as Tai Chi and Yoga.
Enrolment week will be 15th August - come and visit us in the centre to secure your place or email us using the contact form below to secure your place!
Maggie's culture crawl 24th june
Rosemount is a stop on Maggie's Culture Crawl
The amazing cancer support charity, Maggie's, is hosting a Culture Crawl in Aberdeen on 24th June. This 7 mile evening walk will showcase beautiful architecture, live entertainment (our very own Learig Orchestra), delicious local food, and creative activities.
At Rosemount Community Centre, you can make badges guided by the fab Creative Learning team, have some light refreshments and pick up a sneaky preview programme for our Autumn classes!
You can sign up here: https://www.maggies.org/get-involved/find-event/events/maggies-culture-crawl-aberdeen/